Success With Test Prep

Success with Test Prep

Old-Fashioned Test Prep That Works: A Proven Approach for Middle and High School English
By Julie Faulkner February 20, 2025
Let me let you in on a little secret: I actually like test prep season! I don't love that students have to take the tests (we can discuss that another day), but what I love is that this time is when we can slow down and reflect. There's no more pressure to teach new material, and it's also a signal that the end of the year is near! However, I know that means students are also super close to done and prepping for tests can really start to wear them thin. That’s why I stick to test prep strategies that work—no fluff, no gimmicks, just solid, old-fashioned review. While flashy new methods come and go, the classic approach still delivers results. By focusing on structured review, targeted practice, and immediate feedback, we can keep students engaged without burning them out. Here’s how to make test prep both effective and manageable.
What My Trip to the Magnolia Silos Taught Me About Teaching
July 24, 2024
My husband and I visited Waco to tour all things Magnolia back in June. It was an amazing trip — I love going on trips to new places because I can let my brain relax, and I feel so inspired. Magnolia was no exception – inspiration is everywhere. So, I said I can let my brain relax, but what really happens is that it just gets filled up with all kinds of new ideas at every turn because of all the awesomeness around me. Chip and Jo have truly built an empire that personifies their greeting “Welcome Home.” If you read my previous blog post where you toured my classroom, then you know my classroom theme is the journey, but it’s focused on reminding students that home is at the center. It doesn’t get much more perfect than that for inspiration. So, here’s what my trip to Magnolia taught me about teaching – and you’ll see that these are things I can do in my classroom, changes and implementations and thought processes that require nothing from admin or anyone else – just me.
What I Learned About Test Prep from My Handgun Permit Class
July 23, 2024
Last week I took a handgun safety/permit class. My husband had accidentally let his permit expire, so we decided to take the class together this time around. I wasn’t super sure it was something I wanted to do, but I accepted the challenge. While I was taking the class, it dawned on me that I really hadn’t been a student in a really, really long time, so I’m glad that I had this opportunity. As a result, after the second day of class, which was the performance test, my head was swimming with ideas for this blog post – super fitting for this test-prep-time-of-year. Thus, I’m writing this blog post from the point of view of a student, but I’m going to throw in a few teacher take-aways regarding test prep strategies and ideology along the way.
End-Of-Year Reflection: Top 5 Classroom Success Stories of 2018
July 19, 2024
It seems to me that 2018 has been quite the long year… but then again it does feel like I was just rounding the corner of 2018 not too long ago, and here we are already at 2019. One of the most important things we can do as teachers is reflect, and so that’s why I love this annual blog post. It’s been my new year tradition for the past several years (2015, 2016, 2017), and choosing only five moments is always so hard, but here goes: My top five classroom success stories of 2018! This year in review…
A Year in Review 2019
July 19, 2024
One of the most important things we can do as teachers is reflect, and so that’s why I love this annual blog post. It’s been my new year tradition for the past several years (2015, 2016, 2017, 2018), and choosing only five memorable teaching moments is always so hard, but here goes: My top five classroom success stories of 2019! This year in review…
Best Test Prep Ideas & Strategies for Middle & High School
July 19, 2024
When it comes time to start prepping for standardized testing, I like to plan a variety of activities to review the materials we’ve spent all semester covering. We all want students to show what they know and do their best on the tests that mean so much, and if you are like me, you are always looking for new test prep ideas and strategies. Thus, to make your job easier, I’ve curated this list of the Best Test Prep Ideas and Strategies for middle and high school students for any subject.
Super Bowl Football Commercials: A Winning Strategy for Teaching Rhetorical Analysis
By Julie Faulkner July 19, 2024
A little bit touching, a little bit thought-provoking, and a whole lot funny – Super Bowl commercials are rich with material for lessons. Since I’m an English teacher, I see these commercials as the perfect opportunity to cover persuasive appeals, rhetorical devices, literary techniques, and even media choices. I’m sure we all have our favorites for different reasons, but the ones I linked below are the ones I love because I am that nerdy English teacher! I’ve compiled them all in one place for you, so all the research is done. If you haven’t covered Common Core R.7 or SL.2 yet, the Super Bowl would be the perfect opportunity to do so AND make a real-world connection. Your cool teacher rating? 10 out of 10! This Super Bowl Commercials Lesson Plan always “scores big” with my classes!
Tips for Teaching Grammar in just 10 Minutes a Day
By Julie Faulkner July 17, 2024
Teaching grammar and getting it all in no matter what schedule you have is a challenge because time is limited… and grammar is difficult to teach. Nonetheless, there are standards we middle and high school English teachers must cover before the end-of-course exams or standardized tests roll around. Plus, if you are a writing teacher like me, you really just want to see your students’ grammar, usage, and mechanics improve. Grammar is one standard that must be taught, but it’s a huge umbrella encompassing so many skills that it becomes overwhelming to plan for. However, after years of just trying to figure out what works, I developed my Ten-Minute Grammar Program. Now you can benefit from my trial and error! Thus, here are five tips for teaching grammar using my classroom-tested Ten-Minute Grammar Program. It really does cover all that grammar — in just 10 minutes a day.
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